The Fanangel Difference

Get the support you deserve!

Fundraising is hard work! We get that. Whether you are putting up a fundraising page, organizing an event, selling raffle tickets...whatever! 

That's why FanAngel exists -- to help alleviate the work associated with live and online fundraising, by giving you the tools AND the support you need to be successful. 

UPDATE: Check out our new list of 50 teams that have recently switched from SnapRaise to FanAngel -

So how do we differ from our competition?  Here's a quick rundown of the most important difference (to the best of our knowledge):


As you can see from this chart, FanAngel is the most comprehensive platform for your sports fundraising needs. Not only does it support vastly more online features, it also rivals (and in some ways surpasses) full service offerings like Snap Raise and eTeamSponsors at a quarter of the price.

Here is an in-depth explanation of several of the key differences.

Fees = Fair, Transparent, and the best value for your efforts

At FanAngel, we are coaches and booster parents, too. We understand what programs really need — We built FanAngel to help schools, teams, and programs successfully raise needed funds with minimal effort AND keep the vast majority of those funds. We think we’ve struck that balance. By giving programs tons of support, but doing it remotely (see almost full service below), we keep our costs down and pass those savings to where they really belong — helping the kids. After all fees (platform and credit card), your program keeps ~90.2% of every dollar earned. You never have to worry about hidden penalties or minimums (unlike some platforms).

Crowdfunding, e-Letter Writing Campaign, Contextualized Crowdfunding

Online fundraising, also know as crowdfunding, has revolution several industries in the last decade. Personal fundraising for tragedies has skyrocketed the GoFundMe platform into the largest crowdfunding platform in the world. However, fundraising for sports and schools has lagged for many reasons. The chief reason for this lag is the motivation to give must be emphasized at a more personal level across a full group/team of people...which is not possible on GoFundMe. Only a few platforms have addressed this problem, including FanAngel, RallyMe, and SnapRaise (of course, we believe our solution is superior). For a deeper discussion of how this issue is solved, see of page on Contextualized Crowdfunding.

Full Service vs Almost Full Service vs DYI

One of the most difficult things about taking school and team fundraising online is knowing where to start and how to succeed. This is why companies like SnapRaise and eTeamSponsors exist. They excel because they offer a hybrid service and platform to take 95% of the work off your plate. Their services includes on-site visits for video shoots, script writing, etc. However, this service comes with a price.

At FanAngel, we offer the same service EXCEPT for the on-site visit. Almost every school or team has access to a video camera or smartphone. It's easy for a coach or parents to quickly shoot a video and upload it. And most teams already have a parent meeting scheduled, so explaining the fundraiser to the kids/parents is nothing new. FanAngel can do the rest! This includes video script, parent letter/email, tutorial videos for the kids and coach, etc. 

Now compare FanAngel to going it alone with a platform like RallyMe or creating your own donation page. With this approach you can save a little in fees, but will miss out on not only our expert dedicated support and guidance, but on extremely important features like automated reminds, per student tracking, and contextualized emails/text/goals. The marginal increase in fees pays for itself many fold in the increase donations our system provides.

Doing The Math

At the end of the day, FanAngel will garner donations at about the same rate as other team-based platforms. An average of $10-20 per valid email/text sent by the students/families is common. That why we came up with the simplified equation:

Personalization + Automation + Participation = SUCCESS 

All the team-based platforms, including FanAngel, have the Personalization and Automation nailed down.

Thus the question becomes: Do you need a full service company to motivate your families to participate?  

If that answer is yes, then a full service company may be right for you.

If the answer is no, then FanAngel is your answer.

Metric Pledges -- the Jog-a-Thon approach

Remember those elementary school jog-a-thons? Well, they're still around. And they are still around because they work. Some people prefer flat donations, but many prefer their donations to be earned. FanAngel has taken this concept to a whole new level. Get more details at our Jog-a-Thon, Bench-a-Thon, or Anything! page.

Pledge Perks, Online Auctions, Basic Event Registration

FanAngel is your booster in a box. Our platform doesn't stop at basic Ask Letters. With the ability to support donation perks, online auction, and even basic event registration, FanAngel looks to solve all the common sports fundraising needs in one place -- well, expect for running your snack bar or helping with the carwash!