Please pass the word!

Thanks for trusting FanAngel and being a loyal user! We strive to serve all our programs with a fair, reliable and repeatable fundraising system.

But not everyone has heard of FanAngel. To get the word out, we thought we’d ask for your help. Instead of spending money on social media ads, mail flyers, and cold calls (ugh), we’d prefer to give you a referral bonus for some good old fashion Word Of Mouth marketing. So here’s how we’d love your help:

  1. Email any coach, teacher, or club (even at your own school) that you think would be interested in using FanAngel. When you do, please BCC and we’ll keep track of submissions.

  2. First come, first served (usually): If we receive the same program from multiple referrals, the first referrer will get credit.

    • However, please only refer people you personally know or other ways you may be connected.**

  3. Receive up to $50 (through PayPal or Amazon Gift Card) if that referral has never used FanAngel and launches a campaign with 12 months, we’ll give you $10 for each thousand dollar raised in their campaign, up to $50 maximum. Keep all the funds yourself or split it with your referral.

That’s it! A win-win-win situation. Go ahead, make the pass (no one likes a ball hog).

**In the case of a dispute, the program admin may select who earned the referral bonus.