Fundraising in the age of Covid-19


A New Reality

As the country begins to reopen in the midst of Covid-19, we are all looking forward to the return of sports, band concerts, and other extracurricular activities. Modified practices, spectator-less games, and empty concert halls will become new realities for many of us. Another fact that is starting to surface: Fundraising is going to be much harder in the near future.

Consider these restrictions due to limited crowd sizes:

  • Lost revenues from ticket sales

  • No snack bar revenues

  • A lack of community fundraising events like auction nights, spaghetti feeds, etc.

  • Discount cards and local restaurant nights may not be possible as local small business are struggling as it is.

These unfortunate circumstances reveal two clear realities:

  1. Fundraising choices are extremely limited.

  2. Programs need to be tighter with their funds than ever before.

Every Penny Counts

Many normal expenses are out the window: new uniforms, big trips, and overnight stays have gone from “nice-to-haves” to “not-gonna-happens”.

The every penny counts mentality comes down to two factors: cutting costs and maximize returns.

In our previous blog post, 21 Actionable Fundraising Ideas, we outline a number of great fundraisers. HOWEVER, that list gets much smaller in today’s environment. The stark reality is only a few fundraisers are still viable. Here’s the top few as we see it:

Online Donation Campaigns

Clearly we are biased, but Online Donation Campaigns are one of the few fundraisers that should be unaffected. At FanAngel, we have always focused on Maximizing Return while Minimizing Cost. Unlike our competitors who charge 18-30% and force programs to sign contracts (e.g. SnapRaise), or are DIY platforms with limited features and no customer support (e.g. GoFundMe), FanAngel offers a rich set of team/group features at a reasonable and responsible price. That’s our niche! At FanAngel, we have always believed in keeping our fees to a minimum (~9.8% with no contracts and no penalties), while retaining a rich set of group/team features, and offering the highest level of customer service (5-star rating on G2 Crowd and Capterra). Our representatives help every step of the way, making sure you raise the most with the least effort.

Team/Group Gear Sales

Gear Sales is another fundraiser that will be mostly unaffected. There are several fundraising companies that let you create an online store with customized apparel. However, most of those online stores have significant markup, drastically cutting your profits. We believe many programs will be better served limiting purchase options and working with their local screen-printers and uniforms sales. Every penny counts, so shop around.


Drive-Thru BBQ/Meal

The Drive-Thru BBQ is another staple fundraiser that should still prove to be viable. With meat prices increasing and local restaurants struggling, the drive-thru meal fundraiser will need to focus even more on keeping costs down. People still need to eat, so this fundraiser has potential. Consider menu changes like smaller portions meat or switching to lower cost options like lasagna.

Necessity Item sales

Garbage Bags, Detergent, Soap sales are still viable. Everyone needs them, so why not buy from your local sports team or school organization. Search online for "Trash Bag Fundraiser” (or similar). Or just go to Costco and load up! Many small teams with low overhead have had great success with this type of fundraiser.

Back to it

No one knows how long this new normal will last. We all look forward to when stands and concert halls are filled. Hopefully, we’ve provided you with some ideas to make this year’s events running smoothly. Please contact us if you have questions or would like to start a campaign:

David Burton

CEO, FanAngel